For the last four months, I have sat on my meditation cushion in the morning, and contemplated the following case (koan) given to me by my Zen Teacher:
Master Song Am Eon used to call himself every day, "Master!" and would answer, "Yes?"
"You should keep clear!" "Yes!!"
"Never be deceived by others, any day, any time!" "Yes! Yes!"The paradoxical questions that follow the case have answers that require hours of meditation. The first question, "What is the meaning of Master?" appeared almost instantly to me when asked. The answer to the second question, however, continues to elude me. "Song Am used to call himself and answer himself. Which one is the correct master?"
For the last six years, I have been without a boy or a slave. Although I can easily define what is the meaning of "MASTER," I cannot answer with certainty, "Am I still a "MASTER" without a slave?" If I am still a MASTER, what characteristics identify me as one worthy of owning another person?
I believe there is a characteristic that both MASTER and slave share: discipline. To command another, a MASTER must be able to command HIMSELF, to show a mastery over HIS body. The performance of self-discipline is one of the defining features of every MASTER for whom I have respect. For this reason, I feel I am a still a MASTER because my self-discipline is recognized by those who wish to have this trait groomed within themselves.
In essence, a slave recognizes a MASTER by the model that HE has set. An honourific that is given, not asked for, "MASTER!"
Tomorrow morning, I return to my zafu and hold the question in my mind, "Which is the correct master?" And while sitting, I will call myself "MASTER," and I will answer, "Yes! Yes!"